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Full E-bike Torque Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Electric bikes have been around us for a while but people are still confused about their capabilities like are they powerful enough to help riders climb on steep mountain slopes or to carry the groceries back home.

Actually, there are many factors that determine whether an electric bike is powerful or not, such as the motor, frame materials, etc., and one of the most important factors is torque. The e-bike torque is the main factor in providing thrilling speeds or free riding on different driving terrains, which makes the bike full of power and provides the best riding experience.

Table of Contents

What does Torque Mean in Electric Bikes?

Torque energy is a kind of force that makes the electric motor of an electric bike rotate the wheels of the vehicle. In e-bikes, torque is the force responsible for making the electric motor rotate the wheel attached to it. It allows electric bicycles to accelerate and provide assistance while riding on flat roads and climbing up hills to help riders exert less body force on the pedals. Now, some advanced e-bikes like ENGWE L20 Boost come with torque sensors that automatically adjust the motor power according to the body force exerted by the rider on the pedals.

engwe l20 boost electric bicycle

Increased torque usually results in more speed and a smoother journey, but we don't recommend you to ride on high speed. Because your safety is our first concern, so ride safely within the legal speed limits.

How Much Torque do Normal E-bikes Have?

Normal e-bikes usually have a torque of around 50 Newton meters, and off-roading beasts with high-power electric motors have around 80 Newton meters of torque. If you are just looking to go back and forth between your home and office, then e-bikes up to 50 N.m of torque are suitable for you, like ENGWE P20. And if you are purchasing a bike to climb up the hills or pass through off-roading tracks for adventure, then pick a bike that has up to 80 N.m of torque for a comfortable journey.

engwe p20 foldable urban ebike

In conclusion, consider your riding requirements before making the final purchase decision. Once you have determined it, you can check out the corresponding e-bike categories to pick the right ride for yourself.

What is the Difference Between Power and Torque?

Torque is referred to as the rotational force driving the vehicle's wheels to climb up the hills or carry heavy loads without making the ride stiff for the rider. Torque is usually measured in Newton-meters or can be converted from foot pound to newton meter.

Power is referred to as a measuring unit determining the top speed and mileage of e-bike for cruising. It is usually measured in watts (W), but in the automotive industry, it can be expressed as horsepower (hp).

That's the basic difference between power and torque in electric bikes.

Relationship Between Torque and Speed

Your e bike torque will decrease in proportion to the speed you are riding because torque and speed are inversely proportional to each other. In other words, the rotational force produced due to torque will be at its lowest when you are at your highest speed.

Can I Increase the Torque in my Electric Bike?

Yes, you can increase the torque in your electric bike by making some changes in the battery pack of your vehicle. You just need to switch to a higher-voltage battery, usually in the range of 36-52V.

However, not all e-bike motors can have their torque increased by this method. For example, in a mid-drive motor, you can increase the torque by changing the gear system instead of the battery voltage.

Relationship Between Force and Torque

Torque is responsible for driving the e-bike wheel through the electric motor attached with it. On the other hand, force is linear energy applied by the rider on the pedals or exerted by the electric motor on the wheels to make the vehicle move.

That's the basic difference between force and torque. The conversion from force to torque results in acceleration when riding on different driving terrains, which moves the e-bike from point A to point B.

Does Drive Terrain Play Any Role in Deciding the Bike's Torque to Ride?

Yes, drive terrain plays an important role in deciding the e bike torque to ride because the higher the torque will be, the more thrill you will get. Make sure to buy a ride according to your requirements like on the roads you are going to ride or the distance you are going to cover.

How Much Torque is Enough for Me?

It is a very subjective kind of question, better to ask yourself to find the perfect answer. Worry not because we'll help you to understand the factors to look for while choosing an electric bike for you.

How you are going to use your e-bike and what kind of terrain you want to ride on are the main factors that determine how much torque is enough for you. For example, if you want to ride in the city only to go to school and downtown for shopping, then e-bikes with 250W electric motors, usually producing Newton meter torque of up to 50, are the best ones for you. However, if you are looking to ride on off-roading tracks and climb hills for adventure, then you should look out for electric bikes producing up to 80 N.m of torque.

a person riding an engwe x26 ebike on the sand

We have listed the top 3 electric bikes from the ENGWE in the table below, with different specifications to meet different riding needs. Take a look and see if there is one that suits you.

Product Name
ENGWE L20 Boost
Price €599.00 €1,149.00 €1,149.00
Torque 30 N.m 55 N.m 75 N.m
Best For Short-Range Travells on Flat Roads Riding on Off-roading tracks with comfort Climbing hills and having fun by utilising the storage accessories

Final Words

E bike torque is the crucial element in the purchase decision of an electric bike. Make sure to choose the ride that is in compliance with your requirements like capable enough to ride on different drive terrains you are going to ride.

Always remember having high torque and electric motor power is not always necessary for smooth and comfortable rides. Sometimes, e-bikes with 250W electric motor and torque of up to 50 N.m are perfect for you.

Don't make haste in buying one for you. Explore the ENGWE collection calmly, and then pick the right ride for yourself.

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